Wednesday, January 20, 2016

When the New Year Begins

Everyone who blogs must have a first post; a first post to tell their audience why they are now blogging and maybe what they are blogging about.

For many years I have been writing short stories. A few trusted people read them and then they went and sat in a corner of my computer or maybe they even got printed and then sat on a bookshelf. I've wanted to share these stories with others, but my fear of displeasure, judgement, or mockery have made me put these stories back in their corner.

As many beginnings start with a new year (and encouragement from friends!), I will start this year with a goal to continue to craft stories and share them with others whoever that may be! This may result in my discovering that displeasure, judgement or mockery do indeed exist! Whether I receive encouragement or criticism I hope to learn from this experience.

I hope you will enjoy joining me in the wandering streams...

"And then we saw it, through the mist and across green fields; standing majestic and magical, pointing to the heavens, but broken from the fall. Years of life and death were spent here, hope sprung and brokenness healed, sadness borne -- life lived. The ages have worn their work on the ancient walls, roofs, and arches, but it still has the beauty of the work that men can weave into stone. Broken, yes, but even still, beautiful and magical." -Impressions of Rievaulx Abbey, 2013